This version is released today (Monday 22nd August 2011) and includes: enhancements to calculated columns, additional number formats, and transaction matching that can handle any number of transactions in an account
Financial Reports
Calculated Columns have been enhanced to enable users to create their own calculated columns. To do this, users simply select a Column Type “Calculation” and in the Formula field specify the calculation in terms of the other columns defined in the report. It is straightforward to use, and a calculation may include other columns in the report and constants using the standard + – * / and ( ) operators. For example: to calculate a budget variance percentage, the calculation can be expressed as: (Balance – Budget Balance) / Budget Balance * 100
Additional number formats have also been provided to allow reporting in whole numbers (i.e. excluding pence, cents, etc.) and percentages plus report column definitions are now stored uniquely to the individual Report Profile. Thus two columns can be created with the same name in different reports but have different meanings. “a great improvement on variance displays”
A new option has been added to this function to clear previously download transactions from within Aqilla. The purpose of this option is to correct information that has already been downloaded, such as duplicated items that may have been manually allocated through the Account Reconciliation function.
This function can now handle any number of transactions in an account. To support this, the list of transactions is now paged and furthermore filtered by Due Date. Running totals are now displayed as lines are selected or de-selected, showing the credit, debit and net totals. There are also additional functions to select and de-select all transactions on a single page.
E-book: Dispelling the (five) myths of accounting in the Cloud
Month or year end doesn’t have to be slow or difficult. Here is a best practice guide to the busiest times of the accounting and finance year with 5 tips to facilitate a quicker and more efficient period end.