How can getting to know your customers on a personal level can give you a competitive advantage?
Understanding and connecting with customers on a personal level can be a game-changer for your business. It’s not always just about transactions and business affairs; it’s about building relationships and getting to know your customers on a deeper level.
ViewThe Importance of Regular Updates and Customer Feedback
Unlike many accounting systems that rely on annual updates, Aqilla actively listens to customer feedback and rolls out regular releases throughout the year. This approach allows us the flexibility to stay current without being constrained by a specific timeframe, enabling us to release updates whenever deemed necessary.
View5 reasons why true-Cloud is the best at delivering secure accounting software
ViewHow the latest technology is transforming employee support, benefits and female workplace experiences
ViewThe top 5 MTD capabilities that your accounting software should be delivering
ViewIntrovert ideal: Why hiring introverts isn’t bad for business
ViewBLOG: A (very) Brief History of Accounting
In this blog, we will look at the history of the role of accounting and how drivers of change in the past have brought us to where we are now.
ViewBLOG: ERP or Postmodern ERP – Understanding the differences
Postmodern ERP enables you to leverage best in class technology across your organisation whilst still benefiting from the advantages that sharing data between systems via integration provides.
ViewBLOG: The Changing Skill Set in Accountancy
Two-and-a-half thousand years after Heraclitus claimed that “the only constant in this world is change”, his words still ring true as the intensity of change increasingly comes into focus; whether they are cultural and societal, technological, changes in our physical environment or, unavoidably, in our working lives.