Time to upgrade your accounting software?

When deciding to upgrade your current accountancy software solution, there are a multitude of factors to take into account. Upon beginning your research, more and more questions arise and confusion can begin to complicate the process. 

Here at Aqilla, we don’t believe that it should be so complicated so we have compilated a series of helpful eBooks, blogs, and videos that will help guide you throughout your research buying process.

We are delighted to bring to you our Industry Research Report “The Financial Professional for Tomorrow”. This report outlines the findings from over 100 interviews with senior financial professionals, covering the changing approach to people and processes, the effects of digitisation on the financial function and problems anticipated in the future.

The finance professional for tomorrow

We have also created an explainer video that gives an overview of Aqilla and our key features.

Not sure about the cloud, or difference between cloud-native and cloud-hosted software?  Let us clear us the confusion in this short blog post.

Finally, we have also created an eBook “10 Essential Questions to ask your Prospective Software Supplier”, which guides you through the questions you should ensure you have the answers to before parting ways with your money.

We hope that you find these resources helpful!