Aqilla Accounting and Finance Software for the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare Accounting and Finance

Disparate systems within the healthcare sector are rife. This is due to an infrastructure that has evolved over time within an increasingly complex industry.  The ability to integrate this data into one set of reports usually depends upon manual data entry, spreadsheets, and email.

There is a compelling desire for a platform that can effectively manage people, suppliers, resources, and regulatory reporting.  All of which play perfectly to Aqilla’s strengths of integration with other systems, timesheet/expenses control delivered within a secure and robust cloud infrastructure.

Aqilla is one of just six suppliers to be awarded a place on the Sub-Lot for finance software, and will now be available for not just the 75 London-based NHS organisations and social enterprises, but also the whole of the UK public sector. NHS LPP ranked Aqilla’s bid as top-ranked in the Finance Software Sub-Lot.


Aqilla boasts a full complement of accounting functionality, to support healthcare organisations including:

  • Advanced, customisable reporting and analysis
  • A unified ledger system
  • Budget, Cash and Expense Management
  • Project Costing
  • Inventory Control
  • Workflow & Document Management

Aqilla is proud to work with many organisations across the public sector, facilitated by our inclusion on the UK government’s popular G-Cloud procurement framework.

£4.9 billion worth of cloud purchases have been secured via the G-Cloud Procurement framework, with 81% of this coming through central government.

Since the Cloud First policy was announced back in 2013, Government departments have increasingly benefited from Cloud technology that is driving improved performance and decreased costs.

Read E-book: Cloud First in Government Finance and ICT

In this eBook we look into how widespread cloud adoption throughout the public sector can improve efficiency and save on costs, as well as the finer detail of end-user benefits.

“Our processes were cumbersome and management reporting took a lot of time. Our reports were subject to error and difficult to amend. Aqilla makes complex reporting very easy.”

City & Hackney GP Confederation
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Contact us to discuss how next generation accounting and finance technology can help your organisation.

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