
Aqilla presents SmartDocs, a superior way of processing your purchase invoices.

Aqilla presents SmartDocs, a superior way of processing your purchase invoices.

Processing purchase invoices can be a big drain on a business. Manual data entry takes a great deal of time and effort which translates into costly human resources. Resources that could be better utilised within the business improving efficiency. Manual processing also introduces the chance of human error and the associated costs.

At Aqilla we are constantly endeavouring to improve our offering to meet the ongoing needs of our customers and this is why we are excited to announce the arrival of the newest addition to our product portfolio – SmartDocs.

We’ve teamed up with a leading document scanning solution vendor DocWorks to deliver exciting new functionality to Aqilla that automates the processing of purchase invoices and does the heavy lifting for you.

How it works

SmartDocs reads the invoices and extracts key information such as supplier, default general ledger code, invoice number, invoice date and gross/net values together with VAT.  The invoice once submitted from the document portal is sent across to Aqilla via our API and appears as an entered document within Aqilla.

Additionally, the scanned document is automatically attached to the invoice in Aqilla and stored securely with the transaction.

Whether you want to reduce labour costs or re-purpose existing staff this could be the ideal solution.

Use the contact form below if you want to see how Aqilla can help your business take the next step.

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